JBCCCI 新山中华总商会 - APEC Application

  • * 申请者必须是商会 - 永久会员
  • * 申请公司必须是SDN BHD (不接受个人申请)
  • * 申请APEC须出示以下资料(缺一不可):-

1.  申请者必须是公司董事(Director)。此外,公司总经理/市场经理/ 销售经理在附上公司聘用证明的情况下亦可提出申请。

2. 公司写给各地中华总商会、全国总商会及公司给移民厅的推荐信(给2个总商会之信的内容可用同一版本,放不同地址;申请人不能自己签名,须由另一个Director(有在SSM注册)签名)*请用正版的Letter Head,logo/公司名须有颜色,不要全黑.

下载:1) 2020 - 推荐信样本    2) APEC卡申请表    3)APEC卡(更新申请) 

3 国际护照副本(有相片那页)(有效期须超过三年半)


4. 取自商业注册局(SSM)的公司信息(Corporate Information)

5. 申请表格正本

6. 身份证副本

7. 护照尺寸彩色带领照片1张(蓝色背景)

8.  APEC卡副本(针对更新APEC卡申请

9. 工作职位简介,证明个人/公司业务须经常往来亚太平洋地区(请参阅信件样本)




(1)RM35 :支票抬头请志:The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry of Malaysia

(2)RM300:支票抬头请志:Johor Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry

* 支票后页须注明申请人姓名及公司名称

11.  上述1至9项目,申请者须自备 1份正本,3份副本

12. 新山中总提供的服务范围涵盖向移民厅提呈申请表格及获取参考编号(Reference Number申请者一旦取获参考编号(经由电邮通知)须不时自行上网查询移民厅的审查进度。

* 经由中总完成审核程序并已呈交移民厅的申请表格,若有关申请遭移厅退回或拒绝,中总与柔中总将不退还有关费用。


*Applicant must be Life member of JBCCCI

*Only SDN BHD is eligible to apply

1.  The applicant must be a company director. Besides that, only company’s GENERAL MANAGER, SALES or MARKETING MANAGER is eligible for application (Employment Letter given by the company is needed).

2. Three letters – to ACCCIM, JBCCCI and Immigration Department

Download: 2020 Sample Letter

Download : Application Form - New

Download : 2020 Sample Renewal Letter

* Copy of applicant’s ALL PASSPORT INSIDE PAGES that have been STAMPED as proof of frequent travel. 

4. Information statement (Corporate Information) of the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) which contains:

- Details of the company’s corporate profile
- Statement of paid-up capital
- List of directors, officers and company partner
- Financial statement (profit & loss)

5.   Original application form

6.  A copy of ID card

7.  1 piece-color passport size photograph with collar (Blue Background)

8.  A copy of Apec Card (if RENEWAL)

9.  Job’s Description to prove personal / company actively involved in business that require to travel frequently to the overseas.(Please refer to sample letter)


10.  Every applicant shall remit:-

· to ACCCIM a cheque of RM35.00, payable to “The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia”; and

· to JACCCI a cheque of RM300.00, payable to “Johor Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry”.

* Please indicate applicant’s name and company name at the back of the cheque.

11.  Kindly prepare 1 original copy and 3 photocopied sets of items 1-9 for JBCCCI’s retention.


12.  The scope of services provided by JBCCCI covering the submission of application forms to the Immigration Department and obtaining the reference number. Once the applicants have obtained the reference number (notified by email), they must check the progress of the Immigration Department online by time to time.

* For those eligible applications that have been duly checked by ACCCIM and submitted to the Immigration Department, in the event that such application being rejected by Immigration Department, fee paid is NOT refundable.

Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce And Industry (JBCCCI)

Tel: 07-232 8669/232 8663

Fax:07-232 8699

Address: 89A-91A, Jalan Glasiar, Taman Tasek, 80200 Johor Bahru, Johor.